Heart Attacks are Preventable!

Welcome to my podcast, I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist, a private practice of over 10,000 patients.

Australia, like the rest of the western world, has a heart problem.

Over 9 million people around the world die from heart disease every year.

Every 10 minutes, someone in Australia suffers a heart attack. And 21 lives are lost daily because of it.

The devastating fact in all this is… 

Almost every one of those cases could have been prevented. 

This podcast is for anyone who wants to improve their health literacy and gain information to help them make the best decisions about their risk of heart attack, their cholesterol, blood pressure, risk of diabetes, weight loss and general health. Join me on my personal mission journey to prevent Heart Attack on a global scale. If you like this podcast I would be honoured with a 5-star review and let your friends and family know, you may even save the life of someone you love!


EP343: Triglycerides and Heart DIsease (Part 2)

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This podcast episode discusses the importance of managing elevated triglyceride levels for heart health. The host, Dr. Warrick Bishop, explains that triglycerides are not directly involved in atherosclerosis, but are a marker of metabolic processes like insulin resistance that contribute to cardiovascular disease risk. He covers lifestyle approaches like diet, exercise, and reducing alcohol to lower triglycerides. The episode also examines the research on fish oil supplements and the medication fenofibrate as triglyceride-lowering treatments. Overall, the podcast emphasizes that while triglycerides are not the direct cause of heart disease, managing them through lifestyle and targeted interventions can be beneficial for cardiovascular health. Read more

EP342: Triglycerides and Heart Disease (Part 1)

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. Triglycerides are a type of fat that travel in the bloodstream and are associated with increased risk of heart disease. High triglyceride levels are linked to low HDL (good) cholesterol, high LDL (bad) cholesterol, and excess abdominal fat. Factors that can raise triglycerides include diet high in carbohydrates and alcohol consumption. Exercise is an effective way to lower triglyceride levels by using them as an energy source. Triglycerides themselves do not directly contribute to plaque buildup, but are a marker of overall metabolic health and cardiovascular disease risk. Read more

EP341: The Art 2 Aging - A Healthy Heart Even In Your 90s...

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. Dr. Warrick Bishop is a preventative cardiologist who aims to help people avoid heart problems before they occur. He believes that proactive measures like lifestyle changes, monitoring cholesterol and blood pressure, and imaging the coronary arteries can significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and other heart issues, even as people age. Dr. Bishop emphasizes that associations like diet and exercise are not the same as direct causes of heart disease, and that imaging tests like a coronary calcium scan are crucial for identifying underlying plaque buildup. He has written several books and created an online Healthy Heart Network to educate people on preventative heart health strategies. Overall, Dr. Bishop advocates for a proactive, personalized approach to heart care focused on prevention rather than just treatment. Read more

EP340: Fish Oils and Where We Are

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This episode discusses omega-3 fish oils, also known as marine triglycerides, and their role in heart health. The speaker explains that not all omega-3 supplements are the same - some are highly purified pharmaceutical-grade products, while over-the-counter versions often contain less EPA and DHA than advertised and can be oxidized. Clinical trials have shown mixed results on the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3 supplements, but studies specifically on high-dose EPA have demonstrated a reduction in major adverse cardiac events. The speaker recommends eating fresh fatty fish as the best way to get beneficial omega-3s, as the oils remain in the body for several days. Overall, the podcast provides insights into the complexities around omega-3 supplementation and heart health. Read more

EP339: What's This ApoB All About?

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. Dr. Warrick Bishop is a cardiologist and speaker who hosts this podcast about heart health. He discusses the importance of understanding blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol for better heart health. He explains that Apo B is a lipoprotein that provides a measure of the number of cholesterol particles in the bloodstream, which can indicate heart disease risk. While Apo B is a useful metric, Dr. Bishop notes that the standard lipid panel can often provide sufficient information to assess and manage heart health. He encourages listeners to subscribe to the podcast and join his Healthy Heart Network community. Read more

EP338: Placebo Nocebo With James Buckley

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This podcast episode features a discussion between Dr. Warrick Bishop, a cardiologist, and James Buckley, a hypnotherapist, about the placebo and nocebo effects. They explain that the placebo effect is the brain's ability to create a positive physical response without any actual medication, while the nocebo effect is the negative response from a sham treatment. They discuss research showing the powerful impact of these mind-body effects, even on conditions like high cholesterol and statin side effects. The conversation highlights how the brain's beliefs and expectations can profoundly influence physical outcomes, and emphasizes the importance of empowering patients through techniques like meditation and hypnosis to harness this mind-body connection for better health. The podcast encourages listeners to explore the untapped potential of the mind to find "solace, peace, harmony, and resolution" in addressing health challenges. Read more

EP337: High Fructose Corn Syrup and Red Wine Headache

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This episode discusses two main topics related to health and nutrition. The first is the potential link between high fructose corn syrup in sugary beverages and obesity, type 2 diabetes, and fatty liver disease. The speaker notes that more research is needed, but the connection seems plausible given how high fructose corn syrup is an inexpensive sweetener used in many drinks. The second topic is the tendency for red wine drinkers to experience more severe hangovers compared to other alcohols. Dr. Bishop explains this may be due to a compound in red wine that inhibits the enzyme that breaks down acetaldehyde, the substance responsible for hangover symptoms. Dr. Bishop encourages listeners to be aware of these potential health impacts and to share the podcast with others, as it may help save lives. Read more

EP336: Time-Restricted Eating & Liproprotein A

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. Dr. Warrick Bishop discusses various health hacks to maintain cardiovascular health, including time-restricted eating and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). A study called the PLUS ONE study found that the combination of time-restricted eating and HIIT led to the greatest weight loss, improved body composition, and reduced LDL cholesterol and blood pressure compared to either intervention alone. Dr. Bishop also discusses the importance of understanding the association versus causation when it comes to elevated lipoprotein(a) levels, and how imaging can provide valuable insights before further testing. He encourages listeners to adopt healthy habits and share the podcast, as it may help save lives. Read more

EP335: Death & Dying Part 2

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This podcast episode features a discussion between Dr. Warrick Bishop, a cardiologist, and James Buckley, an expert on the mind-body connection. They explore the stages of the grieving process, including denial, anger, depression, and acceptance. James explains how each stage impacts the body's physiology and nervous system. He recommends techniques like breathwork, walking in nature, cold exposure, and stretching to help move through the grieving process. The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding the physical and psychological aspects of grief to support oneself and others experiencing loss. Read more

EP334: Death & Dying Part 1

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This podcast episode features a discussion between Dr. Warrick Bishop, a cardiologist, and James Buckley, a personal guide and spiritual teacher, about the topic of death and dying. They share personal experiences with the loss of loved ones, including Dr. Bishop's mother and friend, as well as James' great aunt. The conversation explores the different stages of grief, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. They emphasize the importance of being prepared to deal with death and the grieving process, and how acceptance is a skill that can be developed. The podcast aims to provide listeners with insights and perspectives on this difficult but inevitable part of life. Read more