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#1 International Best Seller!
  Great overview of AFib and its treatment. Knowledge is power, and knowledge is an antidote to fear of the unknown. In plain language, Dr. Bishop explains how the heart works, what happens when AFib occurs, and how it can lead to clot formation and stroke if left undetected and untreated. He then moves on to the various treatment options, illustrated with case histories. A must-read for those with AFib, and those who care about those with AFib




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“A clear and concise explanation that is really helpful to non-medical people, without being condescendingly over-simple.”
— Amazon Customer
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“An easily read guide for someone who, like me, has AF ...”
— Jimih4213,
Amazon Customer

Easy to read, concise, excellent diagrams makes a complex problem easy to understand, well worth the money and should be read by anyone interested in their body and cardiac health.”
— Rick
Amazon Customer

“It was very readable, only took a few minutes but it explained Arial Fibrilllation simple and easily. I keep it on my iPhone and get friends to read it when we visit. Thank you.”
— Vince Schultz,
Amazon Customer


"Atrial Fibrillation Explained"

#1 Internationally Best Selling Book!
What Is This Book About?

Atrial Fibrillation Explained is a must-read for sufferers and those who care about them, medical practitioners and anyone planning to live into a healthy, old age. Having a better understanding of AF as a disease and learning about its treatment will open up meaningful conversations between patients and their medical practitioners, leading to greater insight into the best way to look after the condition in personal sets of circumstances.

This book is a must-read for you.



This book is for you, if you:

  • have atrial fibrillation or know someone who does
  • are a doctor wanting a straight-forward refresher or a book you can recommend to your patients
  • need to know that you are not alone
  • want to know what’s going on with your heart
  • come from a family with ‘bad’ hearts
  • would enjoy an informative read about a very common condition
  • believe that understanding assists with better management



About The Author: Doctor Warrick Bishop


"Atrial Fibrillation is the next cardiac epidemic"

Doctor Warrick Bishop

Warrick Bishop is a practicing cardiologist with an interest in cardiovascular disease prevention and a special interest in cardiac CT imaging, lipid management and eating guidelines.

He graduated from the University of Tasmania, School of Medicine in 1988. He worked in the Northern Territory and subsequently commenced his specialist training in South Australia. He completed his advanced training in cardiology in Tasmania, becoming a fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians (RACP) in 1997.

He has worked predominantly in private practice, combined with public sessions. In 2009 Warrick undertook training in CT Cardiac Coronary Angiography, being the first cardiologist in Tasmania with this specialist recognition. This area of imaging fits well with his interest in preventative cardiology. He holds level B certification with the Australian Joint Committee for CCTA and is a member of the Society of Cardiac Computed Tomography.

Warrick is also a member of the Australian Atherosclerosis Society (AAS) and a participant on the panel of ‘interested parties’ developing a model of care and national registry for familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). He has also developed a particular interest in diabetic-related risk of coronary artery disease, specifically relating to eating guidelines and lipid profiles.

What People Are Saying About "Your Book" On..

Great overview of AFib and its treatment.

Knowledge is power, and knowledge is an antidote to fear of the unknown. In plain language, Dr. Bishop explains how the heart works, what happens when AFib occurs, and how it can lead to clot formation and stroke if left undetected and untreated. He then moves on to the various treatment options, illustrated with case histories. A must-read for those with AFib, and those who care about those with AFib.


I have my copy and reading through it now. Very informative and has been helpful as I had no idea what AF was until I experienced it first hand back in February. I can highly recommend this for anyone living with AF and family and friends.


Started reading this book last night. Very informative. AF patient for 9 years. Have had lots of procedures, meds, etc. it’s good to understand your condition. Not all AF patients have the same issues.


The book on AF (I have it) was well written in fairly straightforward language I thank you Dr Bishop for doing this.





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Atrial Fibrillation Explained Interactive Digital & Audio (eBook)

Atrial Fibrillation Explained is a must-read for sufferers and those who care about them, medical practitioners and anyone planning to live into a healthy, old age. Having a better understanding of AF as a disease and learning about its treatment will open up meaningful conversations between patients and their medical practitioners, leading to greater insight into the best way to look after the condition in personal sets of circumstances.



  • *NEW* Interactive Version Includes: - Audio of each chapter - Video Bonuses - Easy Flip Design - Searchable Content - Apple Mac and Windows App