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Purchase Dr Warrick Bishop's best selling books at a special bulk price below.
This book could save your life, or the life of someone close to you.
As a cardiologist, I have not yet met a patient who expected to have a problem; patients do not put into their diaries “possible problem with my heart next week”. Yet, what if we could be forewarned about, or prepared for, a potential problem with our coronary arteries? … What if we could plan NOT to have heart attack? Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack is the first-of-its-kind, offering a balanced and referenced discussion of coronary risk assessment using modern technology.
This book will empower you as an individual to choose how you want to deal with your risk of the single biggest killer in the western world.
The human heart is one of the most powerful muscles in our body. It can pump blood through your entire circulatory system and do it more than 100,000 times a day! Cardiac failure is when the heart cannot effectively pump enough blood to meet your body's needs, leading to dizziness, shortness of breath, swelling and fatigue.
By arming yourself with knowledge about strategies for both short-term relief and long-term prevention, we hope to empower you to take charge of your own care so that you can live well despite having this condition.
Atrial Fibrillation Explained is a must-read for sufferers and those who care about them, medical practitioners and anyone planning to live into a healthy, old age. Having a better understanding of AF as a disease and learning about its treatment will open up meaningful conversations between patients and their medical practitioners, leading to greater insight into the best way to look after the condition in personal sets of circumstances.
This book is a must-read for you.
Cardiac Rehabilitation Explained is a must-read for anyone who has recently experienced a cardiac event, such as a heart attack, stenting, or cardiac surgery. This comprehensive guide not only explains the importance of cardiac rehabilitation, but also provides a thorough understanding of the causes of cardiac events, treatments available, and the steps individuals can take to recover or improve their cardiovascular health, thus also making Cardiac Rehabilitation Explained a powerful preventative tool for those who wish, at any age, to be proactive about their health.
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EACH CARTON CONTAINS 24 BOOKS VALUED AT $32 EACH SAVE $440 #1 Internationally Selling Book! Atrial Fibrillation Explained is a must-read for sufferers and those who care about them, medical practitioners and anyone planning to live into a healthy, old age. Having a better understanding of AF as a disease and learning about its treatment will open up meaningful conversations between patients... Read More » See Reviews »
EACH CARTOON CONTAINS 20 BOOKS VALUED AT $38 EACH SAVE $560 Understanding the Symptoms, Signs, Medical Tests, and Management of a Failing Heart Cardiac Failure Explained is a comprehensive user friendly guide on understanding and managing heart failure. Written by a cardiologist who has been treating patients with heart failure for decades, this book provides detailed explanations of the diagnosis,... Read More » See Reviews »
EACH CARTON CONTAINS 20 BOOKS VALUED AT $34.95 EACH SAVE $499 Cardiac Rehabilitation Explained is a must-read for anyone who has recently experienced a cardiac event, such as a heart attack, stenting, or cardiac surgery. This comprehensive guide not only explains the importance of cardiac rehabilitation, but also provides a thorough understanding of the causes of cardiac events, treatments available,... Read More » See Reviews »
EACH CARTON CONTAINS 26 Books valued at $22 Each, save $322 A number of years ago something incredible, an amazing coincidence, happened that started Doctor Warrick Bishop on the mission to prevent heart attacks rather than try to cure them... "Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack" This Book Could Save Your Life What Is This Book About? As a cardiologist, I have not yet met a patient who expected... Read More » See Reviews »