

#1 Internationally Selling Book!

Atrial Fibrillation Explained is a must-read for sufferers and those who care about them, medical practitioners and anyone planning to live into a healthy, old age. Having a better understanding of AF as a disease and learning about its treatment will open up meaningful conversations between patients and their medical practitioners, leading to greater insight into the best way to look after the condition in personal sets of circumstances.

This book is a must-read for you.

This book is for you, if you:

  • have atrial fibrillation or know someone who does
  • want to understand the condition
  • are a doctor wanting a straight-forward refresher or a book you can recommend to your patients
  • need to know that you are not alone
  • want to know what’s going on with your heart
  • come from a family with ‘bad’ hearts
  • would enjoy an informative read about a very common condition
  • believe that understanding assists with better management

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Carolyn Foust

Reviewed on 12th Mar 2025

Outstanding Book

This is a truly wonderful and informative book about AFib, best I have ever read! The Dr explains everything one needs to know about what Aviv is and how to control it. He tells you more than your Dr ever does and I am truly grateful for all knowledge!


Reviewed on 12th Mar 2025



Lord Leslie Whittet

Reviewed on 12th Mar 2025

Best Non-fiction Book That I Have Read?

Last October I was in Calvary hospital, Hobart, for revision of an artificial hip. My cardiovascular system decided to play a few games with the result that I was referred to Cardiology. After a battery of tests I was informed by Mr Warrick Bishop that I was suffering from Atrial Fibrillation. This charming gentleman briefly explained what that is and prescribed a treatment regime which I am still following. He did mention that he had written a book on the subject!
Recently, after a completing a messy move to Burnie, I purchased a copy of Warrick's book and once I started reading it I couldn't put it down! It is a masterpiece of form and function approaching the topic from different perspectives and absolutely demystifying a complex subject - this is from someone who gave up biology in 2nd year of high school! Interestingly I find answers to medical situations that had arisen with my parents and with other people of a similar vintage. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is also available as a Kindle eBook which is great for having to hand and preserving my copy of the excellent hardback version.

Amazon Customer

Reviewed on 12th Mar 2025

A clear and concise explanation that is really helpful to non-medical people, without being condescendingly over-simple

This book successfully explains a complex subject in language that a normal intelligent person can understand. As a person with the condition, it has helped me understand the causes, and what contribution I myself can make to minimise the effects. It also assisted me to fully comprehend the cocktail of pharmacies proposed and implemented by my specialist doctor. The writer clarifies how each piece of the jigsaw works in combination to enable me to continue enjoying a satisfactory lifestyle, while minimising the chance of dangerous medical emergencies caused by the AF condition.

Amazon Customer

Reviewed on 12th Mar 2025

Good resource if you have AF

Good information and easy to understand. I have AF along with cardiomyopathy so I do see a cardiologist every six months. I do everything that i can to manage my health. This book ads valuable knowledge to my management.


Reviewed on 12th Mar 2025

Great explanation of AF and it's treatment

An easily read guide for someone who, like me, has AF. Thanks! I have a biological science background and so much of the terminology was easily understandable . I recommend this book if you want to find out about AF.

Vince Schultz

Reviewed on 12th Mar 2025

Everyone should read this

It was very readable, only took a few minutes but it explained Arial Fivilllation simple and easily. I keep it on my iPhone and get friends to read it when we visit. Thank you


Reviewed on 12th Mar 2025

Great information

Thank you for this excellent informative book. It has helped me understand where I’m at with my AF, and given me reassurance for my future

Marilyn Burgess

Reviewed on 12th Mar 2025

Treatments and physiology important to understand

Great little manual for those suffering AF

Doug Parkinson

Reviewed on 12th Mar 2025

How your heart works and how to deal with irregularities

For anyone experiencing AF or just interested for any reason this book is perfect.
The author Dr Warrick Bishop is a leading specialist in heart function and disease, with the ability and desire to communicate in ordinary language.
If before reading this book you didn’t understand Atrial Fibrillation, you certainly will by the time you have finished it.
A pleasant portrayal and a pleasure to read,further enhanced by the use of real case examples, this book is almost hard to put down.
Get your copy and enhance your health through the knowledge you will gain.