Heart Attacks are Preventable!

Welcome to my podcast, I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist, a private practice of over 10,000 patients.

Australia, like the rest of the western world, has a heart problem.

Over 9 million people around the world die from heart disease every year.

Every 10 minutes, someone in Australia suffers a heart attack. And 21 lives are lost daily because of it.

The devastating fact in all this is… 

Almost every one of those cases could have been prevented. 

This podcast is for anyone who wants to improve their health literacy and gain information to help them make the best decisions about their risk of heart attack, their cholesterol, blood pressure, risk of diabetes, weight loss and general health. Join me on my personal mission journey to prevent Heart Attack on a global scale. If you like this podcast I would be honoured with a 5-star review and let your friends and family know, you may even save the life of someone you love!


EP340: Fish Oils and Where We Are

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This episode discusses omega-3 fish oils, also known as marine triglycerides, and their role in heart health. The speaker explains that not all omega-3 supplements are the same - some are highly purified pharmaceutical-grade products, while over-the-counter versions often contain less EPA and DHA than advertised and can be oxidized. Clinical trials have shown mixed results on the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3 supplements, but studies specifically on high-dose EPA have demonstrated a reduction in major adverse cardiac events. The speaker recommends eating fresh fatty fish as the best way to get beneficial omega-3s, as the oils remain in the body for several days. Overall, the podcast provides insights into the complexities around omega-3 supplementation and heart health. Read more

EP337: High Fructose Corn Syrup and Red Wine Headache

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This episode discusses two main topics related to health and nutrition. The first is the potential link between high fructose corn syrup in sugary beverages and obesity, type 2 diabetes, and fatty liver disease. The speaker notes that more research is needed, but the connection seems plausible given how high fructose corn syrup is an inexpensive sweetener used in many drinks. The second topic is the tendency for red wine drinkers to experience more severe hangovers compared to other alcohols. Dr. Bishop explains this may be due to a compound in red wine that inhibits the enzyme that breaks down acetaldehyde, the substance responsible for hangover symptoms. Dr. Bishop encourages listeners to be aware of these potential health impacts and to share the podcast with others, as it may help save lives. Read more

EP336: Time-Restricted Eating & Liproprotein A

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. Dr. Warrick Bishop discusses various health hacks to maintain cardiovascular health, including time-restricted eating and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). A study called the PLUS ONE study found that the combination of time-restricted eating and HIIT led to the greatest weight loss, improved body composition, and reduced LDL cholesterol and blood pressure compared to either intervention alone. Dr. Bishop also discusses the importance of understanding the association versus causation when it comes to elevated lipoprotein(a) levels, and how imaging can provide valuable insights before further testing. He encourages listeners to adopt healthy habits and share the podcast, as it may help save lives. Read more

EP322: Interview With Dr Kaplan Part 1: Cardiologist Talking Diet.mp3

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. The episode features a discussion between doctors Warrick Bishop and Jason Kaplan about lifestyle choices to prevent heart disease. Dr. Kaplan shares that he follows a mostly plant-based diet and engages in regular exercise like swimming and yoga. He noticed improvements in his cholesterol and biomarkers after changing his diet. The doctors discuss research showing that a low-fat plant-based diet can potentially reverse coronary artery disease. They emphasize educating patients so they have the tools to make heart-healthy lifestyle changes. An interesting point discussed is research by Dean Ornish in the 1990s that used angiography to show regression of plaque in patients following a plant-based diet, providing evidence that diet can potentially reverse heart disease progression. Read more

EP314: Navigating Heart Disease - Treatment Options and Beyond

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This episode discusses options for treating heart disease from lifestyle changes to medications, procedures, and surgery. Lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, reducing stress and alcohol are emphasized. Medications are commonly used to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and prevent blood clots. Procedures include tests, ablation for abnormal heart rhythms, and angiograms. Surgery options covered coronary artery bypass grafting and aortic wrap procedures. The future may bring genetic and stem cell therapies. The podcast encourages listeners to prioritize heart health through joining the Healthy Heart Network. In summary, from lifestyle to cutting-edge therapies, a range of approaches were presented for navigating heart conditions. Read more

EP312: QLD Lipid Meeting October 2023

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This episode discusses presentations from the annual Queensland lipid group meeting. Professor Derek Connelly spoke about overcoming inertia in cholesterol lowering. A new drug called Inclisiran was discussed, which reduces LDL cholesterol through the PCSK9 protein system and only requires dosing every 6 months. Karam Kostner presented on lipoprotein(a), an emerging risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Professor David Cahun emphasized the importance of measuring the omega-3 index through a blood test. Talks addressed inflammation and how diet and certain drugs may help reduce it. Imaging techniques are blurring the line between primary and secondary prevention by finding plaque in asymptomatic patients. Coronary calcium scoring provided insights into risk assessment. The meeting covered various topics around optimizing cardiovascular health and risk reduction. Read more

EP311: Fat Bellies and Skinny Brains

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. This episode discusses a study finding that both visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat are linked to lower brain volume in middle-aged adults. Visceral fat around the organs and subcutaneous fat under the skin were associated with brain atrophy on MRI scans, especially in women. Excess abdominal fat was found to predict reductions in total gray and white matter as well as specific brain regions. While the effects were small for individuals, trends emerged across large samples. Lifestyle factors like physical activity and diet were not fully accounted for. The research suggests abdominal fat may help explain previously reported connections between obesity and cognitive decline. Read more

EP304: Grip Strength and Chocolate Follow-up

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. The episode discusses grip strength as an indicator of overall health, with weaker grip linked to various illnesses. Data from the Swedish army found men with weaker grips were 20% more likely to die by age 55. Exercises like weightlifting can strengthen grip indirectly. The host also updates on heavy metals in chocolate, noting some studies found links to lower bone density but chocolate has antioxidants too. Listeners provided more data, suggesting raw cacao may be healthier than dark chocolate. In summary, grip strength and chocolate content were insightful topics covered to help listeners improve their health. Read more

EP302: Discussing Low Carb and Keto and CAD with Doctor Kostner and Doctor Sangster

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. The episode discusses reduced carbohydrate diets and their effects on cardiovascular health. While such diets may help with weight control and blood sugar levels, there is debate around their long-term safety, especially for those with heart disease or diabetes. Saturated fat intake is known to raise LDL cholesterol, which can increase heart risks. However, monounsaturated fats may be more favorable. The experts discuss how individual responses to diet and cholesterol-lowering medications can vary greatly. They agree these diets can be appropriate for healthy people without heart conditions, but more research is still needed on long-term outcomes. The potential benefits must be weighed against risks for each individual patient. Read more

EP295: Bitter Sweets

Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. Dr. Bishop discusses heart health and the importance of controlling blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol. He then reports on two recent studies. The first found that some dark chocolate bars contained potentially harmful levels of heavy metals like lead and cadmium. The second study surprisingly discovered that the artificial sweetener aspartame may increase anxiety-like behaviors in mice and possibly even affect their descendants. This indicates aspartame's effects may not be as harmless as previously thought and more research is needed. Read more