Hi, I'm Doctor warrick Bishop, but I'm guessing you know that already. I'm going to kick off in this Facebook group a little bit. I'm going to ask a couple of questions and I'm going to invite you to engage.
Today, I'm going to ask you who is carrying a list of their up to date medications. If you've listened to any of my podcasts, you know that's one of the things that drives me completely nuts; when people turn up and can't tell me exactly what medications they're on, exactly what dose, and exactly what time of day.
So, do you know what you're taking? Do you carry your list? Are you responsible for what you're doing?
Engage below. Let us know what you're up to. Share with the group. And this is your chance to be held accountable. Take care. We'll speak soon. Bye for now.
Join our Healthy Heart Membership here: https://healthyheartnetwork.com/page/starter
Listen to Doctor Warrick's Podcast: https://drwarrickbishop.com/podcast/show