According to the Australian Heart Foundation, 55,000 Australians suffer a heart attack each year – so it’s a very real possibility for most of us. I see many patients who report a family history of “bad hearts”. They will report that “Great Uncle So and So” had a heart attack at 85 years of age and dropped dead in the garden, to everyone’s surprise. Strictly speaking this is a history of heart attack in the family, but it is not the “family history” that we are asking about as doctors. What we really mean by family history is if there has been premature heart problems or death in the family from the heart. When we say premature, we are most concerned to find out if men less than 50 to 55 years of age or women less than 60 to 65 years of age have been affected. Read the full article on Wyza Full CT coronary angiography outlines the coronary artery in exquisite detail, giving information about the location of plaque, the quality and nature of plaque, threatened stenosis and size of vessel affected. This information has previously been unobtainable in a living patient. Dr Warrick Bishop
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