10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained
Understanding the Cause and Prevention Strategies to Reduce Your Risk of One of the World’s Most Prevalent Killers


Brought to you by Doctor Warrick Bishop (Cardiologist & Best Seller Author) & Dr. Karam Kostner

#1 International Best Selling Book + Premium Bonuses

"Doctor Warrick Bishop has dedicated several decades to preventative cardiology and improving the quality of life for his patients."

  "10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained" is an invaluable guide for anyone eager to understand and improve their heart health. Crafted by renowned cardiologists Dr. Warrick Bishop and Dr. Karam Kostner, this book dives deep into the causes and prevention strategies for heart disease, offering practical advice distilled from years of clinical experience and research. Whether you're seeking to lower your risk of a heart attack, come from a family with a history of heart issues, or are a health professional keen on advancing your knowledge, this book is tailored for you..

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Unlock the Secrets to a Healthier Heart: Your Essential Guide

Are you ready to take control of your heart health, but don't know where to start? Heart disease remains the world's leading killer, but you have the power to change your narrative. Introducing "10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained" by Dr. Warrick Bishop and Dr. Karam Kostner, a groundbreaking book that offers you the tools to understand and combat heart disease effectively.

  • Expert Insights: Written by leading cardiologists, this book distills years of clinical expertise and research into accessible knowledge.
  • Proactive Prevention: Learn the practical steps to mitigate your heart disease risk, even if you have a family history of heart issues.
  • Engaging Content: With real patient stories, the latest scientific findings, and actionable advice, turning each page is a step closer to a healthier heart.
  • For Everyone: Whether you're a healthcare professional, someone looking to prevent heart disease, or a patient navigating heart health challenges, this book speaks directly to you.


Heart disease remains the world's leading killer, but you have the power to change your narrative. Introducing "10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained" by Dr. Warrick Bishop and Dr. Karam Kostner, a groundbreaking book that offers the tools to understand and combat heart disease effectively.


This book is for you, if you:


  • want to reduce your risk of a heart attack;
  • believe that prevention is better than cure;
  • come from a family with a history of ‘bad’ hearts;
  • would enjoy an informative read about the main killer
    of our generation;
  • are a medical, nursing or other health professional student looking
    for a ‘taster’ that puts you ‘ahead of the game’ in your learning;
  • are a pro-active doctor seeking current information about risk
    and prevention;
  • are a collaborative medico who recommends good, informative
    books to your patients.

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About the Authors



Dr Warrick Bishop is a practicing cardiologist with a fervent commitment to preventing heart attacks through early intervention and education. Holding a notable position in the cardiology field, Bishop has pioneered the use of cardiac CT imaging in Tasmania, leveraging this technology to enhance preventative cardiac care. His passion extends beyond clinical practice to the realm of patient education, aiming to empower individuals with the knowledge to manage their heart health proactively. 

Bishop's educational background includes a medical degree from the University of Tasmania, followed by advanced cardiology training in Hobart, where he was recognized as a fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians.

Bishop's contributions to cardiology include authoring several influential books and articles, founding the Healthy Heart Network, and delivering impactful TEDx talks on heart health. His work emphasizes the importance of understanding personal risk factors and adopting preventative measures against heart disease. Besides his professional endeavors, Bishop is a proponent of intermittent fasting, cherishing time with family and friends, music, and travel. His holistic approach to health and well-being mirrors his commitment to helping others achieve optimal heart health through education and preventative strategies.

Dr Bishop is the author of the books Know Your Real Risk of Heart Attack, Have You Planned Your Heart Attack?, Atrial Fibrillation Explained and Cardiac Failure Explained, Cardiac Rehabilitation Explained.  


Dr Karam Kostneris a distinguished Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Queensland and serves as the Director of Cardiology at Mater Public and Private Hospitals in Brisbane. With a deep-seated passion for preventative cardiology and lipid disorders, Kostner has made significant strides in the field, notably as one of Australia's leading lipidologists.

Renowned for his expertise in preventative cardiology and lipid disorders, he leads a significant lipid clinic and directs Cholesterol Care Australia. Kostner's research has been pivotal in the development of new lipid-lowering therapies, contributing to over 65 clinical trials.

After completing his education and specialty training in Austria, he moved to Australia in 2001, where he has published extensively and delivered numerous lectures on cardiovascular health. An outdoor enthusiast, Kostner enjoys skiing, hiking, and fishing, embodying a dedication to a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

Karam Kostner significantly influences lipid management policies, consulting for government and medical organizations globally. His leadership extends to organizing major cardiology conferences, sharing his deep expertise in lipidology. Kostner's commitment to cardiovascular health and education highlights his innovative approach to combating heart disease.

Passionate about outdoor activities, he embodies the active lifestyle he advocates for heart health, demonstrating his holistic view on well-being.



Founder/CEO of Heart180, World and Australian Ironman champion, World and Australian Paddleboard champion, Dubbed the ‘fittest man in Australia’ by the Australian Institute of Sport (1993), Winner of the television reality show I’m a Celebrity. Get Me Out of Here: Vanuatu (2006)

Guy Leech emphasizes the crucial importance of prioritizing heart health. Following the tragic loss of his close friend, Chucky, to a heart incident, Leech was motivated to understand and promote heart health more vigorously, particularly advocating for the widespread availability of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). "10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained," authored by Dr Warrick Bishop and Dr Karam Kostner, is presented as a comprehensive guide that distils complex medical knowledge into accessible, actionable advice for maintaining heart health. Leech shares a personal anecdote about urging his friends to undergo heart screening, revealing significant health risks among them that were previously unrecognized. This experience underscores the book's value in educating readers about heart health, emphasizing the power of prevention and the benefits of adopting the guidelines it presents to enhance both lifespan and quality of life.

What's in the book?


"10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained" is a comprehensive guide that offers a deep dive into the complexities of heart health, presenting actionable strategies for prevention and management of heart disease. Here's what readers can expect:

  1. Expert Insights: Gain invaluable insights from cardiologists Dr. Warrick Bishop and Dr. Karam Kostner, who bring decades of clinical experience and research into preventing heart attacks and managing heart health.
  2. The 10 Commandments: Discover the foundational principles for heart health, each commandment providing clear, evidence-based advice on lifestyle adjustments, dietary choices, and proactive health measures.
  3. Real-Life Patient Stories: Engage with compelling narratives from patients who have navigated the challenges of heart disease, offering hope and practical advice from their personal experiences.
  4. Latest Research & Innovations: Stay informed about cutting-edge developments in cardiac care, including advancements in diagnostic imaging, medication, and surgical interventions that are shaping the future of cardiology.
  5. Practical Tips for Daily Living: Find practical advice on integrating heart-healthy habits into your daily routine, from quitting smoking to managing stress, enhancing physical activity, and optimizing nutrition.
  6. Interactive Resources: Benefit from access to additional online resources, including informative webinars, interactive Q&A sessions with the authors, and a supportive community for shared experiences and encouragement.
  7. Comprehensive Glossary & References: Navigate the complexities of cardiac health with ease, thanks to a detailed glossary of terms and a curated list of references for further reading and exploration.


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This book serves as an essential resource for anyone looking to understand heart health better, reduce their risk of heart disease, or support loved ones facing cardiovascular challenges. Whether you're a medical professional seeking to enrich your knowledge or someone proactive about your heart health, "10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained" offers the tools and insights you need to embark on a journey toward a healthier heart.

Unveiling the 10 Commandments of Heart Health

Embark on a transformative journey with "10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained" as it unveils ten pivotal principles designed to steer you towards optimal heart health. While we reveal the essence of these commandments here, the full depth, scientific backing, and practical applications await within the pages of this indispensable guide.

  1. Acknowledge the Heart's Needs: Understand the fundamental requirements of your heart, beyond the basics of diet and exercise. Each commandment unfolds layers of wisdom on nurturing the heart's well-being.
  2. Preventive Vigilance: Early detection and preventive measures can be the difference between life and prolonged health versus unexpected medical emergencies. Discover the power of vigilance.
  3. Dietary Decrees: Not all foods are created equal in the realm of heart health. Learn which dietary choices can fortify your heart against disease and which to avoid.
  4. The Exercise Edict: Uncover the specific types of physical activity that provide the most benefit for your heart, and why staying active is a non-negotiable pillar of heart health.
  5. Stress Suppression: Stress is an unseen enemy of heart health. Find out effective strategies to manage stress before it takes a toll on your heart.
  6. Smoke-Free Sanctuary: Smoking's impact on heart health is irrefutable. Learn compelling reasons and methods to quit, creating a smoke-free sanctuary for your heart.
  7. Weight Wisdom: Managing weight is critical for heart health. This commandment guides you through balancing body weight to support your heart.
  8. Blood Pressure Command: High blood pressure stealthily endangers the heart. Strategies to monitor and manage your blood pressure are crucial armaments in your heart health arsenal.
  9. Cholesterol Checks: The role of cholesterol in heart health is complex and misunderstood. Decode the mysteries of cholesterol and its impact on your heart.
  10. Continuous Commitment: Heart health is a lifelong journey. This commandment emphasizes the importance of ongoing dedication to the practices and principles that protect your heart.


Each commandment is a stepping stone towards a stronger, healthier heart, but the true treasure lies in the detailed exploration, expert advice, and actionable steps detailed in the book. Let "10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained" be your guide to a heart-healthy lifestyle, ensuring a vibrant, fulfilling life free from the shadows of heart disease. Dive into the pages to uncover the secrets to lasting heart health.


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What is a Cardiac Event?


A cardiac event is not a planned occurrence in a person’s life. It comes ‘out of the blue’, like a car accident or some other form of unexpected trauma. People who survive a cardiac event need specialised treatment and professionals around them who understand what they’ve been through and what the new journey of life might hold.

A significant part of this unexpected turn is looking to the future to try to prevent more problems, future-proofing the person from another heart attack, further surgery, cardiac failure, or other heart problem – in other words, from cardiovascular disease (CVD).

The term, cardiovascular disease, covers several conditions associated with the heart and blood vessels and most commonly includes coronary artery disease, heart failure and stroke.


Even in this era of COVID pandemic, CVD is the most common cause of death in the world and remains one of the most common causes of hospitalisations in the western world. Globally, it claims an estimated 17.79 million lives a year, about 31 per cent of all deaths.

The World Health Organisation says that four out of five CVD deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes, and one-third of these deaths occur prematurely in people under 70 years of age.

Using Australian statistics,

  • one Australian dies of CVD every 12 minutes
  • about 50,000 Australians die of heart disease each year
  • CVD affects about one in six Australians and two out of three families.

Most people would have a friend or a relative who has cardiovascular disease. Many of the premature deaths are preventable.


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Patient Perspectives:

  • Dan's Journey: Discover how Dan, despite having no prior symptoms, learns of his severe coronary artery disease (CAD) and navigates the complexities of treatment and recovery.
  • Ron's Wake-Up Call: Ron shares his experience of having a heart attack at 66, despite leading a seemingly healthy lifestyle, highlighting the unexpected nature of heart disease.



Darren Lehmann, cricketer

a star in the annals of Australian cricket who was capped 27 times as a Test player (a free-scoring, top-order, left-hander). Darren also played 117 One Day Internationals, is a two-time World Cup winner, and, as a top-flight cricket coach saw his country to Ashes series wins in 2013-14 and 2017-18.  At 50, Darren faces a heart attack on his birthday. His narrative delves into the importance of recognizing early signs and the life-changing impact of coronary bypass surgery.


Greg Page, entertainer

an Australian singer, musician, and actor who was a founding member, the lead singer and the original Yellow Wiggle in the internationally successful phenomenon, The Wiggles, an Australian children’s entertainment band.





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Take the First Step Towards a Healthier Heart

"Doctor Warrick Bishop has dedicated several decades to preventative cardiology and improving the quality of life for his patients."

Detailed Comprehensive Guide

Embarking on a journey to better heart health is one of the most vital decisions you can make for your well-being and future. "10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained" is not just a book; it's your guide, companion, and the first crucial step toward understanding and actively improving your heart's health. With insights from leading cardiologists Dr. Warrick Bishop and Dr. Karam Kostner, this comprehensive guide illuminates the path to a healthier heart, offering you the tools, knowledge, and confidence to take control of your cardiovascular health.

By diving into this essential read, you're not merely purchasing a book but investing in a lifetime of heart health. Whether you're navigating the complexities of heart disease, aiming to prevent future heart issues, or simply seeking to enhance your overall health, this book provides actionable advice grounded in the latest research and clinical experiences.

Don't let heart disease dictate your life's course. Understanding the causes and implementing the prevention strategies detailed in this guide can significantly reduce your risk and lead a heart-healthy life. "10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained" is your first step on this life-changing journey.

Embrace the opportunity to transform your health. Invest in your heart, future, and family's peace of mind. Order your copy of "10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained" today and take the first, most important step towards a healthier, happier heart.

Your heart is the foundation of your life. Let's make it strong, resilient, and healthy. Together, we can conquer heart disease before it begins.


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10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained (Interactive eBook)



10 Commandments of Heart Health Explained Hard Cover Edition

